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spiritual and traditional ceremony

the mamo need 22 years to learn. learning with another old wises and then start to practic the charge as spiritual guide to bring in balance all his comunity and every one. the mamo made this ceremony to native comunity, but he know that our menor brothers needs a litle of balance nature and spiritual.

bring the cultural meeting as great memory.

Ceremony on the beach

Programation. 4:50 p.m. arrive of a couple and invited. 5:00 p.m. ceremony starting. •maded for the mamo (shaman) who is with the translater. • Rituals, love’s payments, health and prosperity. • The mamo put the insurrence for a couple.

6:00 p.m. ending ceremony.

Investment: 2’150.000 $ for the couple.

(Aproximate, depend how many people invited, where is included insurence (brazzelet) and the chair. Opcional: Cheers with champán or any licor, Folcloric Tropical Music 950.000  1 hour.

the price and decoration can be modificate like the customer prefer.


The proposition of activitis in the programation can be change when the customer want, remenber we are in disposition to offer a service depend your needs.

Traditional kogi ceremony in a native comunity will be another price due the trayectory to walk and will retunr on the next day.

needs: bring white and confortable cloth. the invited and the couple early to enter in the ceremony need get off the choes to do cotact directly wiith the renew energy of the mamo and from the earth’s mom (pacha mama)

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